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Safety isn’t expensive, it’s priceless

May 01, 2020

Accidents happen! 

Motor insurance coverage is designed to protect you against financial loss in the event of a collision. The amount of protection provided is determined by the combination of selections that encompass your motor insurance policy. 

Did you know that your Motor insurance policy can be tailored to cover more than collisions? The right coverage can assist in the event of hospitalization, theft, breakdown services, legal representation and even loss of use.

Purchasing Motor Insurance can be perplexing but taking it step-by-step makes it a considerably easier experience.

To protect yourself without overpaying, figure out your insurance needs and your budget. Our experts will guide you through the selection process. 

Here are a few things to consider:

Major accidents – Accidents are not a trivial issue, as death or serious injury can sometimes occur. Which driver’s insurance policy pays for the costs of an accident can depend on numerous factors, ultimately the insurance policy that will pay for the vehicles’ repairs or replacement, is the policy of the driver who is determined to be liable for the accident.

Personal injury - Safety for yourself and your family should be on the front burner of your decision making. In the event of an accident, the first request that is made by every medical facility before treating you, is your health insurance coverage. If you do not have health insurance, discuss this option with our experts to ensure you cover any medical expenses incurred in a major accident.

Special Perils - What about natural disasters or theft? In these circumstances, your coverage will only be determined by the selections you made at the purchase of the insurance policy. 

Getting stranded – At any given time you can experience a series of problems with your vehicle, and they are not in your control to prevent. However, being prepared for these events can be if you choose to add roadside assistance and courtesy car coverage to your insurance package. 

Key Points


  • Dependable insurance coverage is a vital component of car ownership
  • Safeguard yourself against overpaying & explore your options
  • Consult our experts who will assist with conducting a market review, comparing quotes, and customizing an insurance package that enhances your coverage requirements while keeping you within your budget.
  • Be a smart consumer


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